Child Therapy in Ellicott City, MD
Child Social Workers
Child Psychiatrists in Ellicott City, Maryland
Children and teens can go through phases where they act out, withdraw, do poorly in school, or behave abnormally. What do you do, however, when a few bad days turns out to be something much deeper?
When you feel your parental intuition tells you to follow-up on your child's abnormal behavior, The Family Center is here for you with dedicated child psychiatrists and mental health services.
Whether a doctor or teacher recommended child therapy to you or you have made the decision yourself, we have the resources you need for you and your child's success.
Our professionals are available to you to provide mental health assessments and all forms of counseling, from general child therapy to dedicated child psychologists in Ellicott City, MD.
From teen and child therapy for depression, anxiety, or traumatic experiences, to assessing behavioral issues in school, we have a team ready to serve you for a healthier, happier future.
Child Social Workers in Ellicott City, MD
Reach out to us to learn more about our child social workers in Ellicott City, MD and how they can aid you from sports support to traumatic experiences.
Child Mental Health Service
Child Behavioral Therapists are Here to Get Your Child Back On Track
It can be a difficult decision to decide if and when your child is in need of behavioral therapy.
A lot of a child’s behavior can seem unpredictable, and you may be chalking up uncontrollable actions to a phase that they will grow out of.
Some behaviors, however, are more than just a phase, and they can actually worsen over the years if left unaddressed.
The Family Center provides professionals to assist with child behavior -- aggression, non-compliance, a frightening temper, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD).
Whether you have witnessed it at home or teachers are telling you about their actions, it is important to consult with a professional about you and your child’s options.
When working with the child mental health services in Ellicott City, MD & nearby areas, part of what we do is a partner with your child's community.
With your blessing, we involve teachers, coaches, tutors, and more, so your child's progress doesn't stop at our doors.
Behavioral therapy is not forever, and it begins a process between you and your child for forming better behavior for a better, successful life together.
Talk to us to learn more, and see what the child psychologists in Ellicott City at The Family Center can do for you.
Child Therapist
If Your Teen is Suffering from Depression or Anxiety, Our Child Therapist Can Help
How do you tell when your teen or child is suffering from depression or anxiety, vs general mood swings and adolescent stress?
It can be a tough call to make, but you and your child do not have to face the challenges alone. We employ professionals for both teen and child depression and anxiety counseling.
Show support to your family by providing resources for them to learn to analyze their feelings, process their emotions, and develop coping mechanisms.
The child therapists we have are dedicated to focusing on your child's specific behavior, and tailoring therapy sessions and solutions that are made solely for them.
We are also here for trauma counseling as part of our child mental health services if your child or teen has faced traumatic events and needs emotional assistance.
LGBTQ teens also have resources at The Family Center, to cope with feeling different, bullying, identification issues, and more - it's part of our promise with our child mental health services here in Ellicott City, MD.
If you are interested in family and marriage counseling, we can help your family handle separations, divorces, and sibling rivalry, as well.
Growing up is a hard thing to do, and the right tools can be found at The Family Center to make all the difference.
Child Counselors
When School is Tough - Academic Assistance and Learning Disability Assessments
Struggles in school can be viewed as normal -- after all, school is there to challenge kids and give them a place to grow.
Parents need resources, however, when school isn’t just “hard” but their child is facing an actual learning disability that is preventing them from succeeding.
Child counselors in Ellicott City at The Family Center are available to provide assessments and assistance to help diagnose learning disabilities in children and teens and provide coping mechanisms for families for how to proceed.
We are also available to provide teen and child therapy and counseling for all school-related problems -- from abnormal behaviors to a drop in academics that is mood-related.
Help your child succeed by contacting us today to discuss the problems you are facing, and we can help, together.
The child mental health services in Ellicott City don't get better than the team of experts at The Family Center, from child social workers to general child counselors.
If you have any questions, please feel free to review our general services and check out our testimonials to see how our child counselors in Ellicott City, Maryland rise to the occasion each and every time.
Child Psychologist
Child Therapy Backed by 35 Years of Experience
Social skills assistance, sports counseling, autism spectrum assessments, focal points therapy, and more -- The Family Center has the team of professionals you are seeking to be a trusted resource for you and your family when you are seeking child therapy sessions.
In service for over 35 years, we cover Columbia, Ellicott City, Laurel, Howard County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and the surrounding areas.
We employ 10 qualified experts, treat and evaluate 15 different disorders, and we don’t rely on one-size-fits-all treatment plans.
Our professionals consult with you one on one to make individualized plans, and we are available to consult with other family members and teachers in order to address all problems your child may be facing.
It is not just about the child mental health services your child receives when in our care, but how we can help make those tools useful and available outside our doors.
We employ child psychologists, child social workers, child counselors, and child therapists from Ellicott City all as part of our certified staff.
Don’t let any more time go by with your child in limbo, call us today to begin a support plan for you and your family’s ultimate mental health success.